Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Scrapbook #2

Social Campaigns


This image represents an ad that that transfers knowledge to its viewers by demonstrating that no matter our skin color, every human being has the same physical anatomy--in this case, the heart.


This ad shapes the attitude that a fit person has, because it reinforces the idea of perseverance and staying in shape.


This ad serves to change behavior because it causes the viewer to think about how much electricity they use and encourages them to use less.


Title:"De stijl van de wrede stad" ("The style of the cruel city")

This piece appropriates a classic example of Piet Mondrian's Neoplasticism. The Dutch term for this art movement is "De stijl" which means "the style." Style, a main theme in the Hunger Games trilogy, is used for rebellion against the cruelty of the Capitol and thereby the inspiration for the title.

Advertising Messages


This ad's messaging is instrumental because it offers a solution to dull knives by presenting a knife that is so good it's too sharp.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Scrapbook #1
1. Gestalt Principles


This picture represents similarity. The rectangular sections of the building are repeated and the parts are grouped as a whole: the facade of the building.

Source: this picture was taken from my own camera.  Poston, Perla. "U. of U. Campus Marriott Library." July 2014. jpg. image


This image represents continuation. The jagged roof of the building leads the viewer's eye from the center of the image outward, or vice versa.

Source: www.facebook.com/PanosPictures/photos/a.471832810120.384709.468569355120/10154650405630121/?


This picture represents closure. The individual images are placed together to form a man's head. Our eyes "fill in the blanks" or imagine the outline of his face where the objects don't meet.

Source: Advertisement for "The Last Gatsby"; Location: bulletin board in the Union Building Food Court, U of U campus; Oct. 2, 2014. Flyer.


This image represents proximity because the individual images are grouped close together to form the shape of the United States.

Source: "The Atlantic" pg. 11 (exonmobil ad) 


In this picture, the figure-ground relationship is found in the black area being perceived as the "figure" (an old man reading a newspaper) amid the white surrounding area, which is perceived as the background.

Source: TLS "New Brecht" by Michael Hoffman. August 15, 2014. Print. (front cover)

2. Color


This image represents a monochromatic color scheme in the interior decoration of a living room. The furniture, accessories, and paint colors are all different shades of the same hue: blue. The effect is calming, and expresses unity and elegance.

Source: "American Rustic" Beautiful House. September 2014: pg. 91. Print.


This image of a Chilean sunset demonstrates the effective use of warm and cool colors. The trees and mountains depict cool shades of blue and green, and above them the clouds reflect warm hues of red, pink, and yellow.

Source: this image was taken from my own camera. Poston, Perla. "Santiago de Chile, Parque O'Higgins." February 2013. jpeg image


The image of these elementary-aged children from Southwest China depicts the cultural meaning of the color red. Here, red emits a feeling of high energy, optimism, and happiness as they commemorate World Smile Day, May 8th.

Source: "Show Me Your Smile." Beijing Review Vol. 57 No.20 May 15, 2014. pg. 102. Print.

3. Design Principles


If this image were placed on a scale, there are enough objects on both sides to prevent one side from being visually heavier than the other. For example, the large yellow tree is close enough to the center to counter the lesser weight of the dark trees, achieving visual balance. 

Source:  Bagetta, Marla."Drifting to Yellow." Painting. Art Elements. Oct 3, 2014. <<http://www.artelementsgallery.com>>


In this flyer, the red figure in the foreground contrasts from the surrounding green background. The contrast of the two complimentary colors draws the viewer's eye specifically to the red as the focal point of the image, demonstrating the effective use of contrast.

Source: Sadneccesary. Advertisement. Milky Chance Oct. 2014.  Location: Union Building. Flyer.


The bouquet in this image takes center stage because it is the first thing the eye sees. It interrupts the fundamental movement of the eye, which begins at the long, neutral colored window, down to the off-white couch. Instead our eye is automatically drawn to bright pink of the bouquet.

Source: "American Rustic" Beautiful House. September 2014: pg. 105. Print.


This image reeks of rhythm. The different elements of line, texture, color, shape, and space are repeated throughout and achieve the appearance of movement, or a sense of rhythm.

Source: "American Rustic" Beautiful House. September 2014: back cover. Print.


The Sun Microsystems logo is a good example of unity because the successful combination of shape and color achieve a sense of wholeness. While repetition is used throughout, the overall effect focuses on the work as a whole, instead of its individual elements.

Source: mahesh69a. "SUN Microsystems Logo Icon." <<http://mahesh69a.deviantart.com/art/SUN-Microsystems-Logo-Icon-253763722>>

4. Visual Verbal Integration


This is an example of effective visual/verbal integration because the image of the gun formed  by the cigarette smoke visually agrees with what the caption is saying.

 Source: <<http://www.123inspiration.com/creative-and-clever-anti-smoking-ads/top-creative-anti-smoking-ads-12/>>


This image is effective because the word "had" is in past tense, referring to the image of the flames, which indicate that Old McDonald's farm burned down and no longer exists.

Source: <<http://uberhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/captions-makin-funny-9.jpg>>


This ad is effective because the aluminum ice cream cone accurately represents how uncomfortable it is to bite into something cold with sensitive teeth. The image emits a tactile and visual sensation that underscores the purpose of sensodyne toothpaste.
Source: http://adsoftheworld.com/sites/default/files/images/sensodyneIceCream.jpg


This is ineffective because the relationship between the focal point (the red car) and the caption is vague. It causes the viewer to have to study it for several minutes before making the connection between a midnight snack, a drive, and a credit card, resulting in too much work.

Source: "American Rustic" Beautiful House. September 2014: back cover. Print.


 To the general audience, this ad is meaningless, unless they have knowledge of a previous reference. This fails simply because it is trying to say too much. Not all of the audience may be able to recognize the connection between the reference and what the ad is trying to say. 


This ad is ineffective for anyone who doesn't know who Craig Daniels is.

Source: http://s66.photobucket.com/user/sausagemit/media/AstonMartinadcopy.jpg.html